– Marigolds' bold orange, yellow, and red hues are irresistible to hummingbirds. These bright colors are perfect for attracting these tiny, nectar-loving birds. – –
– Marigolds produce abundant nectar, which is a favorite food of hummingbirds. Their long, tubular blooms are perfect for these birds to feed on. –
Hummingbirds are known for their quick movements, reminding you to live in the present. Their visit may inspire you to let go of worries and focus on the here and now.
A visit from a hummingbird can signal a connection to the spiritual world. It may be a sign that your spiritual guides are nearby, offering support and guidance.
Despite their tiny size, hummingbirds are incredibly resilient. Their visit may symbolize your strength and remind you to keep going, no matter the challenges you face.
– Marigolds are known for their pest-repelling properties. By growing them in your garden, you can attract hummingbirds while also keeping unwanted insects at bay. – –
Hummingbirds are free spirits, soaring from flower to flower. Their visit may encourage you to embrace your freedom, break free from limitations, and pursue your passions without fear.