I Asked 4 Farmers How to Store Onions—They All Said the Same Thing
Keep Onions in a Cool, Dry PlaceAll the farmers emphasized the importance of storing onions in a cool, dry location. A temperature of around 45-55°F (7-13°C) helps preserve their shelf life and prevent sprouting.
Avoid Direct SunlightDirect exposure to sunlight can cause onions to spoil quickly, so farmers suggest keeping them in a shaded area to maintain their freshness and prevent them from getting soft or moldy.
Use Ventilated ContainersThe farmers agreed that onions should be stored in containers that allow air circulation, like mesh bags, crates, or wire baskets. This prevents moisture buildup, which can lead to rot.
Don’t Refrigerate Fresh OnionsRefrigeration is not recommended for fresh onions as it creates too much moisture, which leads to mold and rapid spoilage. Store onions in a pantry or cool cellar instead.
Separate From PotatoesOnions should never be stored with potatoes. Potatoes release moisture and gases that can cause onions to sprout or spoil faster, so it’s best to store them separately.
– Use Old Pantyhose for StorageA unique tip shared by all the farmers was using old pantyhose to store onions. The individual “legs” allow each onion to be hung separately, improving ventilation and reducing spoilage.–
Check Regularly for SpoilageFarmers recommended checking your onions regularly for any signs of spoilage like soft spots or mold. Removing any bad ones immediately helps prevent the spread to others.
Cure Onions Before StoringAfter harvesting, onions should be cured by laying them out in a dry, warm place for a few days to allow their skins to harden. This increases their longevity during storage.