Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day trains your body to sleep better. A consistent routine keeps your internal clock steady.
Screens emit blue light, tricking your brain into staying awake. Limit screen time before bed or use blue light filters to protect your sleep routine.
Exposure to bright indoor lighting before bed makes it harder for your brain to produce melatonin. Dim the lights in your home an hour before bedtime.
A pitch-dark room sends strong sleep signals to your brain. Use blackout curtains or an eye mask to block light and create a perfect sleep environment.
Morning sunlight triggers wake-up hormones, helping you feel alert. Step outside or sit by a sunny window for 10 minutes after waking up.
If you need a nightlight, choose one with soft, warm tones. Bright or cool-colored lights can interrupt your sleep cycle and make falling back asleep difficult.
If you work at night, control light exposure during the day. Use blackout curtains to sleep better and expose yourself to bright light during work hours.